As the ROAR event gets closer, our organisers have been working hard to ensure everything is on track to make ROAR Barossa the best it can be! Early late Ausust, our organisers met with Forestry SA, SA Water the Barossa Council and the Southern Barossa Alliance at the Mt Crawford site, to ensure all the 'i's' were dotted and the 'T's' were crossed. The group inspected the site where the start/finish line will be, and where the registration/food-stalls and other temporary necessities will be set up - and we were given the all clear! Then, a week later, our volunteers gathered at the site to ensure the running/bike track was cleaned up from major tree-branch and other snags to ensure the track will be ready for competitors. See the pics below! (click on the images to increase their size) ....and then we put the track to the test by one of our youngest competitors! see the video below!
As we have further news of ROAR - or as news of our event spreads through Media Releases - or we gain media publication of our story - we will post that material here on this page.
Please check this page over the weeks and days leading up to the event! Our first offering is placed here. This is a 'capture' of our official Poster. If you like it, we ask you to get the 'roar_poster.pdf' file below, print it out and distribute it - or encourage your sports store, gym, school or local shops to put it on their notice-boards or shop windows. The greater the spread of the poster means more people will be alerted to what promises to be a great event! At right, click on the file to download it. The file is 'sized' to print out in A4 format - but we have it in larger sizes up to A1. If you'd like it in larger sizes to print out, contact us and we'd be happy to oblige! |
Our media coverage
Roar Barossa is starting to garner media attention with the first 'cab off the rank' being the Galwer Bunyip.
On August 11, an article regarding the event, written by journalist Ellouise Crawford, appeared on page 13 of the printed edition of the paper - and it also featured in the 'sport' section of the Bunyip's website...If you'd like to see the full story, get out and buy the August 11 edition of the paper and/or subscribe to the Bunyip's E-Edition! Both are good value for money....! |